
on Friday, January 2, 2009

i gave myself an assignment to draw a picture that demonstrates light. now, if you give yourself such an assignment, the first thing you have to do is escape somewhere because it is impossible to do. you may say that the white piece of paper is the illustration. what else iss there to do? but when i put a stroke of ink in the paper, i realized that the black was where the black was not and i could really make a drawing because i could be discerning as to where the light was not which was where i put the black. then the picture became absolutely luminous.

i said that all material in nature, the mountains and the streams and the air and we are made of light which has been spent and this crumpled mass called material csts a shadow and the shadow belongs to light.

so light is really the source of all being and i said to myself when the world was an ooze without anyshape or direction the ooze was completely infiltrated with the desire to express which was a great congealment of joy and desire was a solid front to make sight possible.